BAWO NI is one of the most common words you will hear spoken throughout the Yorubaland. This is the simplest greeting, and is often the first word learned by those who have an interest in the language.
Yoruba is classified among the Edekiri languages, which together with Itsekiri and the isolate Igala form the Yoruboid group of languages within the Volta–Niger branch of the Niger–Congo family. It is primarily spoken in a dialectal area spanning Nigeria, Benin and Togo, with smaller migrated communities in Cote d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone and The Gambia.
This website provides some basic information for English speakers with any level of interest, especially to people who may want to visit Nigeria, Benin, Togo or impress the millions of Yorubas who live abroad.
The following guide will let you try out some basic Yorùbá: